The Personal Data Protection Act 2010 (hereinafter referred to as the “PDPA”), which regulates the processing of personal data in commercial transactions, applies to Mama Dim Sum and its related companies (hereinafter referred to as “Mama”, “our”, “us” or “we”). For the purpose of this written notice, the terms “personal data” and “processing” shall have the meaning prescribed in the PDPA.

  1. This written notice serves to inform you that your personal data is being processed by or on behalf of
  2. The personal data processed by us include all information contained in Account Opening Form, Credit Application Form, Membership application form, Mama eStore My Account Information etc whichever is applicable and all other related documents together with other information we may obtain about you, including but not limited to personal data collected through both oral and/or written communications with you.
  3. We are processing your personal data, including any additional information you may subsequently provide for the following purposes:
    1. Communicate with you through letter, phone call, sms, e-mail, fax and other correspondences;
    2. For maintenance of customer database and customer service related processes;
    3. For billing and financial purposes, including collections / payments (and all transactions related thereto), accounting and tax;
    4. Provide services to you within the confines of the business transactions of our company;
    5. Response to your inquiries;
    6. Administer your participation in company events, activities and company programs;
    7. Compilation of surveys and or questionnaires;
    8. Provide you with company information about products, sales promotion etc. unless you have indicated that you do not wish for us to process your data for such purposes;
  4. It is obligatory that you supply us with the personal data unless we otherwise specify. If you fail to supply to us the personal data, which is obligatory to be provided by you, we may not be able to process your personal data for any of the purposes.
  5. In addition, you hereby expressly consent to our processing of your sensitive personal data such as information about your name, NRIC no., contact details, occupation, income etc for the purposes.
  6. You may access and request for correction of your personal data and to contact us with any enquiries or complaints in respect of your personal data to our PDP officer at In accordance with the PDPA:
    1. We may charge a fee for processing your request for access or correction; and
    2. We may refuse to comply with your request for access or correction to your personal data.
  7. Your personal data may be disclosed to our related entities, licensees, auditors, banks, governmental and/or quasigovernmental departments and/or agencies, regulatory and/or statutory bodies, business partners and/or service providers and any such third party requested or authorized by you for any of the above purposes or any other purpose for which your personal data was to be disclosed at the time of its collection or any other purpose directly related to any of the above purposes.
  8. Your personal data may be transferred to a place outside Malaysia.
  9. You are responsible for ensuring that the personal data you provide us is accurate, complete and not misleading and that such personal data is kept up to date.
  10. We may request your assistance to procure the consent of third parties whose personal data is provided by you to us and you agree to use your best endeavors to do so. You shall indemnify us in the event we suffer any loss or damage as a result of your failure to comply with the same.